Portrait Paintings and Drawings in Several Mediums

Portrait Paintings by Antony Zito, are created in a selection of mediums, painted on a wide variety of supports or “canvases”. Whether it’s on objects scrounged from the streets of the Lower East Side, or the finest academic materials – Zito creates oil paintings, acrylic paintings, enamels, watercolors, and coffee cups portraits – as well as murals, live painting, lettering, and a host of other habits. Traditional approaches such as oil on canvas, oil on linen, or oil on wood panel, are just as much his material as paper, or found objects like mirrors, trays, cabinet doors – any other surface that can hold paint. Zito has an appreciation for the inherent history in a found object, and the chance to work that narrative into his painting as another aspect of the piece. If canvas is great, found objects are better. And when it comes to your commissioned portrait, don’t be opposed to digging up a cool hunk of junk at a garage sale and bringing it to the studio for Zito to paint you on… it’s been done plenty of times before.

Check out the different albums of portrait paintings sorted by medium. Most images you see on this site are available as prints by sending a message here mentioning the Title of the piece you are interested in.